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2024-07-19  Karjalaisen Rahti Oy has implemented Opter

Welcome to Opter! Karjalaisen Rahti is a family business with a long history, as it is now in its fifth generation. The company has its own terminal in Jyväskylä, from where it offers transport services for trade and industry throughout Finland using a number of its own vehicles.

Karjalaisen Rahti Oy

2024-07-11  Micke Malmbergs Åkeri AB has implemented Opter

Micke Malmbergs Åkeri, founded in 2005, is based in Visby. The haulier has five of its own vehicles and these drive all over Sweden, with a particular focus on transport between the island of Gotland and the mainland. To make the business operations more efficient, the company has now joined Opter and OpterLink. Welcome!

2024-07-01  Stockholm Lyft & Transport AB has implemented Opter

We are pleased to welcome Stockholm Lyft & Transport AB (SLOTAB) to Opter! The company, which has been active in the industry for more than 10 years, has its own fleet of eleven vehicles and has a focus on crane trucks and special transport solutions. The business initially operated primarily in Stockholm and the Mälardalen region, but SLOTAB now provides transport solutions all over the country.

Stockholm Lyft & Transport AB